this blog is content not important thing, unusable thing and random postt, think two time before read it!
cause is pointless and sometime can make brain damage
pelajarannya membelah diri (for ipa : kimia,fisika,biologi for ips: ekonomi,sosiologi,geografi)
UH keseringan, kadang belum ngerti materinya udah disuruh ujian
Berhubung saya madrasah, ada tambahan pelajaran agama yang tentunya... hapalan semua dan kadang kalau ujian pilihannya mirip-mirip gabisa ngebedain yang mana yg bener dan yang salah -_-
kurikulum 2013 membuat matematika membelah diri jadi peminatan dan wajib, ya wajib sih masih ngerti saya (kecuali logaritma ._.) lah peminatan? HAHAHA *hiks*
Kalau di film-film, anime atau manga kayaknya masa SMA bahagia amat ya , kenyataanya ..SALAH BESAR
Cowok cewek campur aduk wahaha, beda jauh sama smp saya yang kayaknya cewek cowok udah misah secara otomatis
SMP kayaknya remed hina banget, lah disini kayaknya remed udah jadi makanan sehari-hari
Hamba gakuat ya allaaaaaah
kuatkan hati ini dalam menghadapi cobaan hiks
oh iya kayaknya mulai sekarang bakal jarang ngeblog akuh :'D udah gasempet utak atik blog lagi
ahem..... sudah berapa bulan blog ini kutinggalkan?
padahal rencananya, kalau ane udh kelas 9, pingin nulis daily lives lebih banyak lagi, tapi.... kenapa lagi-lagi begini?
lagi-lagi tertinggal?
sejak kelas full belajar dimulai pada bulan agustus, aku mulai tidak produktif (dalam hal berkarya)
biasanya kalau nggak seminggu sekali ngepublish tulisan, yaa minimal sebulanlah
bahkan kini deviantart sudah jarang ku sentuh
terakhir.... sebelum idul fitri, kira-kira 29 juli
kenapa sekarang konsentrasiku sering kabur!?!?!?
oke, mungkin karena ada job menumpuk, revisi proposal buat acara bulan november, request buanyaak dari temen-temen, akhir-akhir ini jadwal tidurku mulai kacau
pulang kira-kira jam 4 sore, sampe rumah jam 5... mandi... makan.. baru buka komputer.. itu pun kalau ade gak make, kalau make, biasanya ane memohon-mohon biar gantian, kalau nggak dikasih biasanya ane langsung lanjut baca komik or buku pelajaran (cuma dikit sih) atau melakukan hal ajaib lainnya.
kadang sampe berapa jam dia main ,dia sama sekali gak mau gantian, akhirnya aku marah-marah soalnya mau ngerjain tugas, bahkan bisa sampe berantem
dannn pada akhirnya
mumet pala saya
sejak masa kelas 9 dimulai, rasanya keseharian saya benar-benar random -_-
mungkin itu saja yg bisa saya sampaikan kurang lebihnya mohon maaf wassalamu'alaikum wr wb
Mos kedua yang saya tangani selama menjabat jadi osis =__=
hasil rapat pada hari selasa tidak cukup memuaskan, kebanyakan barang bawaan telah melewati proses pro & kontra yang sering disebabkan oleh berguna atau tidaknya barang itu, mungkin karena mos dilakukan pada bulan ramadhan, barang -barang pun diperingankan
sewaktu rapat, para anggota osis (termasuk ane :P) bergantian mengusulkan barang bawaan.
"Bawa bando yang dikasih dauun!"
"Tas dari karung!"
"Pot tanaman!!"
"Baju baksos!"
uh, seru-seru tuh usulnya, banyak yang rada ngasal juga sih sebenernya, tapi yaa namanya ide ya.. diusulkan saja tokh? tak ada yang tersinggung ini
tapi naasnya bahasanya lebay 90% dari ide yang diluarkan DITOLAK
"Masa orientasi bukan ajang balas dendam!" kata guruku
"Apalagi Mosnya pas bulan puasa, jangan disuruh bawa yang aneh-aneh, kan berat"
Sedih, mos kali ini tidak akan seramai tahun-tahun kemarin.
padahal smp 3 saja mengusulkan untuk membawa bungkus indomie dan topi yang dihias-hias. para osis juga boleh memberikan game sekenanya
tapi mengapa osis di sekolahku kadang kebanyakan diambil alih oleh guru??
akhirnya hari sabtu, murid-murid baru datang, mengambil seragam baru yang sudah dikelompokan di dalam plastik.
dan akhirnya hasil dari rapat:
para peserta hanya diharuskan memakai nem tag untuk penampilan, sementara barang-barangnya adalah seragam,buku-buku bekas dan ATK
kayaknya sih bakal disumbangin ._.
berbaris yang rapih...
sepertinya mos kali ini akan lebih ringan dibanding yang dulu-dulu
semoga saja aku bisa jadi senior yang baik untuk adik-adik ini, hohohohoho
di hari yang cerah dan berawan ini , ane mengucapkan
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasaa
semoga di ramadhan ini kita bisa meningkatkan ibadah kita dengan maksimal
dan mendapatkan nuzulul qur'an
gambar ramadhan ane, entah kapan selesai ngewarnainya =3=
dan demi menghidupkan blog yg nyaris tewas(?) ini saya akan mengepost setiap hari minimal 1 post!
di bulan ramadhan!
topicnya? random, insya allah jika saya tak sempat mengepost di hari tsb, akan saya cicil di hari berikutnya
bisakah saya???
ok,ok,ok, stop amazed... hffftt
since on this 6 month i haven't post anything with english. lets start with some review
after education report on my school, i wen't to the detos, a mall on depok. is acronim of depok town square * why i even tell this??*
after a hard week with exam and various event, finally i can relaxing with my family =w=
fulling stomach //aka: eating
reading some paper // aka: reading on bookstore//
my mother went to the UI after eating, she worked to finished her script, good luck mom!
actually i didn't planning to see theater today, cause our goal when came to mall is looking for new shoes.
but my brother keep asking to see movie... then it started
we were planning to watch monster university that premiered yesterday, but too bad there's only coboy junior the movie not recommended , leher angsa, cinta dalam kardus i already watch it and ... ah i forget the other one
then i saw this poster
le me: oh look! there's a man of steel! superman remake movie! le brother: hmm... seems great, but i want to watch monster universityyy le dad: but you already watch it didn't it? when you went to detos with your friend.. le me: i'm watching cinta dalam kardus! (in english is love inside box) !! and i was treated! le dad: hmm.. yeah the other film is not to good... le me: then looked at the poster and crew, who has a better story!
man of steel seems great, then we decided to watch it
beside, it have great actor there: russel crowe & kevin costner
we bought 3 tickets on M seats *too close to screen actually, but because we buy the ticket on 12:35, and the film started on 12:30, we didn't get the seats on backward .3.*
but my father asked permission to me and my brother to go to the toilet
we already bought a ticket so we can enter finally :3
i don't want the tragedy when watching the host repeated again ;A;
as expected.. the film already started. and the whole theater was full!
idk superman had so many fans, or.. it because the trailer seems so great? idk
ok... i'm trying to not spoiled the whole movie, so anyone that haven't watch this movie could read without worried that this review had spoiler :D
firstly, the theme music was changed, not just like the old superman theme that used since 1978
the whole soundtrack was composed by hans zimmer
and the actor for superman has changed too, in old series superman, is using christopher reeve, and on 2006 is brandon routh. and on man of steel is henry cavill
Idk why he was choosed, well.. actually his acting was great, but his face is.. *cough*// no offense
a bit side boarded
yeah, there's a scene that we saw on trailer and of course on movie too that has a side boarded man
actually i thought it was another hero on DC comic, but after realized he's fireproof..
hmm... it should be clark kent...
oh and for info there's the first scene that showed a doomsday day for crypton, it looks bit like avatar thought, chasing around with animal... and.. ///ARGHH I'M SORRY FOR A BIT SPOILAAAH
russel crowe became Jor-el, alias Kal-el father
his acting... just... make.. me.. sad... argh.. his separation... with his son.. ;A; somehow his appearance just reminds me of kevin flynn on tron legacy, but a bit different
the CG and effect just amazing, the story was weighted... ughh can't contain feel
and the baby kal was adopted by martha kent and jonathan kent, they lived on kansas
the story have many flashbacks, but don't worry, it didn't bother story :)
superman suits looks different too
can you see the different? okay actually i didn't notic eit at first, but after saw this picture,,,
i figured it!!! he no longer using underpants on outside!! hahaha!!
but his.... 'youknowwhat' it seems too... tight.. or his suit that tight? lol idk
i don't know what's better but you can decide by yourself
the story start to be complicated, he's the only one that diferrent from another... and he didn't know where he's actually come for
the superman love interest, lois lane, looks different too, blonde hair, the old one had brown long hair
i don't really notice the appearance of each character, cause they looks awesome even didn't really looks same like the original
i don't really remember the superman new face at first, and didn't really understand the stories until the middle of film ._. ahahah sucks me
the battle just.. WOW!
general zod was the villain here
w...wait i'm start to forget a bit of the whole story, so i give you some of screen shots
i didn't realize that THE WHOLE 2 hours have just passed!! after the last scene suddenly the theater lamp was on, and the whole people on theater realized the film just have done
this time, i didn't regretingto buy a ticket of superhero movies :>
the review:
it was, so,so,so much awesome, not like the others superhero movies that only focusing on fighting, it has a deep character development too, we can feel the emotions when they're talking, argh. Zac synder you're truly a genius director
when a character die , we can feel the sadness or deep feeling inside us, like both of father role, Jor-el makes us sad while jonathan kent death makes us teary
epic..epic death...
i just realized krypton stone didn't used on this movie, the weakness of superman no because a green crystalic stone again, is loneliness.
a big responsibilty must helded by him, protect the earth,
wow, even i got carried away of the story
clark also love her mother, even though he was away, he still leave a little time to be with his mother
i really recommend you to watch it, is not only a superhero movie, but also a deep meaning of family, sociality and
akhirny pada hari sabtu aku datang juga ke tempat gladi resik wisuda (meski ke delay 1 jam :P)
dimarahin sama albi gara-gara telat =3=
kali ini GOR sudah didandani sehingga sudah mirip tempat buat wisuda
tapi untungnya gak kayak kemarin, kalau kemarin sama sekali gak dikasih job apa-apa pas dateng, duduk manis aja abis dikasih tauin job buat hari h sama pa ali