Monday, July 30, 2012

the ghost comic

yo friend, have you read naver comic?
Naver Comics (Hangul:네이버 만화) is an area that provides Naver users with manhwa comics and original comic pieces. Most significantly, it offers comic book, genre fiction, and free manhwa. Users must pay publishers to use their comic book and genre fiction contents. On the other hand, free manhwa, webtoon, is provided by professional artists weekly for free. Moreover, Naver promotes amateurs to be writers of the comic series through the process of rising in status. Status tends to be raised by being selected as "Top Challenge Manhwa" after posting "Challenge Manhwa" as amateurs. Comic books and genre fiction are provided by choosing either a flat rate plan or a meter rate plan. However, the flat rate plan can sometimes be limited according to seminal works. Users can either buy each piece one by one or buy 1day/7day/30day flat rate plan to enjoy comics through that period. However, premium works can be limited to the flat rate plan by publishers. They must be paid by a credit provided by Naver, and it is called "Naver Coin". Naver Coins can be obtained by credit card payment, wire transfers, mobile phones, and gift cards that Naver accepts. It has a ratio of 1:1 with Korean currency. If users are interrupted while reading comics by system errors or maintenance, the interrupted periods will be paid back by doubling their hours.

i've some comic that maybe you like, but read this first:


Webtoon This is a special horror episode this summer
Because it contains scenes of shocking, is not recommended for
readers in the category PREGNANT WOMEN, ELDERLY
, and ANYONE who has a dangerous medical disease (especially heart disease)
okay, before you read, i've an advice, turn off the microphone XD
so.. it will decrease the scream


 if you have heart diseade, i recomment you to not read this, khkhikhi

Friday, July 27, 2012

finaally, my biggest art is complete


baik, baik tenang-tenang, saya adalah youichi yang baru balik dari keinsomniaan yg luar binasa

begadang sampe jam 1 trus nih selama 5 hari T3T demi this gambar selese

warnanya masih jelek ya? ya maklum ane kan beginner

jadi, ini art untuk ramadhan saya, kebanyakan org disono berambut pink *tapi kubikin berkerudung~

buka puasa bareng, untuk pembuat makanan ad euphie, amu , lacus dan feldt
si feldt lagi ngambilin kolak, si lacus habis manggang muffin coklat, berrrrhubung dikit lagi adzan, mereka buru-buru nyiapinnya

euphie mengagumi risoles buatannya~ dengan tatapan semua org yg makan akan menangis saking lezatnya, tapi amu merasa ada bau aneh, bau buah?
dia jadi ngeri ngebayangin daging plus buah

oke, ada luka, sheryl ma inori duet
luka menatap yuno sambil nyanyi, yg lagi ribut mau motong sapi secara paksa (psycho dasar)
sheryl masih asyik lanjutin nyanyiannya tanpa ragu, sedangkan inori nyanyi dengan suara khasnya (dan bajunya tertutup~)

ohohoh, ada ibu2 ngeliatin yuno yg mau potong sapi~

marhaban ya ramadhan ya pren, semoga puasa mu tamat dan maafkan kesalahan2 ane~ (yg kenal ma ane, klo nggak sih... ya selametan aja)

dafuq??? knp ane begadang lagi??? argghhh musti cepet tidurrr

Saturday, July 21, 2012


jadi, minggu ini udh puasa, jadi selagi nunggu berbuka, search resep yook??
berikut ada 2 resep yahud buat buka, yg satu for adult, yg satu everyone

detail berita

Puding Calpico Buah Ceria
Adonan Agar I:
1 bungkus agar-agar merah  
7 botol susu fermentasi mini rasa Stroberi
100 ml jus Stroberi
100 ml susu segar
50 gr gula pasir
1 telur putih telur
Adonan Agar II:
1 bungkus agar-agar putih
7 botol susu fermentasi mini rasa Original
200 gr susu segar
50 gr gula pasir
1 butir putih telur
Cocktail secukupnya
Bahan Fla:
400 ml susu segar
50 ml gula pasir
1 sdm tepung custard
2 butir kuning telur (kocok lepas)
200 ml jus mangga
Cara Membuat:
1. Campurkan agar-agar, susu fermentasi mini rasa stroberi, jus stroberi, susu segar, dan gula pasir dan masak hingga mendidih. Angkat dan diamkan sebentar.
2. Kocok putih telur hingga kaku. Tuangkan sedikit demi sedikit adonan agar-agar dan aduk hingga rata dan menyatu. Tuang pudding ke dalam cetakan dan diamkan hingga beku. Sisihkan.
3. Lakukan hal yang sama untuk adonan kedua. Campur adonan agar-agar II dan koktail. Tuang kembali di atas adonan agar-agar dan diamkan hingga beku. Sisihkan.
Cara Membuat Fla:
1. Cairkan tepung maizena dengan air dan campur dengan kuning telur. Aduk hingga rata dan sisihkan.
2. Masak susu dan gula hingga mendidih. Tuangkan campuran tepung maizena dan aduk rata. Biarkan mendidih kembali, lalu angkat. Tambahkan jus mangga dan aduk rata. Tuang larutan maizena dan masak hingga mengental.
3. Sajikan pudding dengan fla buah.

Coffee Profiteroles 
(disarankan minum yg anget2 dulu sebelum makan ini, biar gak kram perut
detail berita 
Bahan-Bahan:65 gr/2 ½ ons tepung terigu
50 gr/2 ons butter
2 butir kopi cair
2 butir telur ayam
Es krim jamoca atau sesuai selera
Cara Membuat:
1. Masukkan butter dan coffee dalam panci kecil dan masak sampai butter cair.
2. Masukkan tepung terigu dan telur ayam. Aduk semua bahan sampai kalis. Angkat dan dinginkan.
3. Masukkan adonan ke dalam pplastik piping bag dengan tip pastry ukuran bulat  dan bentuk adonan dengan bentuk bulat di atas loyang yang sudah diolesi butter. Lakukan sampai adonan habis.
4. Panggang coffee profiteroles dalam oven pada suhu 220 derajat Celcius selama 15-20 menit. Keluarkan dan dinginkan.
Chocolate Sauce:
 50 gr gula pasir
120 ml air
150 gr cokelat putih
25 gr butter
45 ml heavy cream
Cara Membuat:
1. Masukkan gula pasir, butter, dan heavy cream ke dalam panci dan masak selama 4 menit dengan api besar sampai gula larut dan semua bahan tercampur rata. Matikan api dan diamkan selama 4 menit.
2. Setelah itu, masukkan cokelat putih dan air. Diamkan.
1. Ambil satu buah profiteroles dan belah menjadi dua bagian (jangan putus).
2. Ambil 1 scoop ice cream baskin robbins rasa jamica/selera, lalu taruh di tengah potongan profiteroles. Siram dengan chocolate sauce.
okeeeh sekian dulu resepnya yaa dipraktekin juga boleh, yang penting abiis makannyaa
lagi-lagi resep copas, hehehe

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

legend of korra

yo!!! youichi's here      
2 weeks ago,i've discovered the new avatar series, legend of korra!                                                      
new character, new bender, new enemies, and new friends!!
korra is the next avatar after aang, and already master 3 elements on 4 years old, but she still can't air bend
so, here the chara list

nyoo tenzin, he's only the only child of kataang that gets aand air bender = =, and his wife, is non bender . but all of their child is air bender :D

toph have a daughter, but we still dunno who is her husband, and i think lin doesn't have any appearance that match like her mother .3. i can't wait season 2 for explaination about her fatherrr

ohohoho, mako and bolin, 2 hillarious siblings. mako is tacticurn, and bolin is gorgeous (?)
and he has a racoon named pabu


ahahaha, naga have the same role like appa, but he's a polar bear dog

lin and tenzin become a couple for a years, but after pema confess her love on tenzin, yeah... tenzin leave lin (but he says is not like that ._.)

and we have general iroh 2.0!! is grandson of zuko (oh i miss zuko)
his voice actor is same like zuko, but face? ._.

the enemies is amon, people that can remove a bending from people, but actually.. (SPOILER)

enough-enough, if i told you here, you'll know the end of series, i recommend you to watch by yourself ;P

season 2 is comming on 2013 - - URGH

some pics:
aang? is that you?

kataang family~
tenzin's child~
loool, korra epic face
their pets(?)
aang eldest daughter
mako GIF 
girl's talk XDD 
amon slade
general iroh 2.0!!! yoohooo

Monday, July 16, 2012

football player and a little of olimpics 2012

nyoo since i saw many people that looking for this blog only for ozil (OTL) i post a pics of football, free to download and save

van persiee

mario gomez

wesley sneidjer

christiano ronaldo (CR7)

mesut ozil

cezc fabregas <3

david villa

iker casillas

samir nasri

slavek slavko

i don't know what those it mean..

mesut ozil (again...)
aaah euro 2012 already finish DX
i can't watch all match because a different time that verryyyyyy far
when i want to watch final, i wait it by watching all korra episode (i bought the DVD~)
but the match isn't started yet!!
so i continued with ghost protocol
but hey! all of my cousin already sleep while waiting!
i changes DVD to euro, match already started
score: italy: 0, spain: 1
after a few minutes
where's another goal?
my eyes is tired, i decided to sleep
next morning, i tried to search channel that reported the match last night
spain 4:0..
i didn't watch it till done!?!? (and the closing ceremony!!!)
and there's no rebroadcast, aww crap

oh, and you guys know this year theres another sport events?
olympic 2012!!

wait, the logos, if we se it.. there's a sentences will appear..
ZION?!?!?! WTH? ZION?!?!
you guys are totally annoying you know! supporting israel for genocide more palestine citizen!
and the mascot..
compare with the 2008 mascot, fuwa

looks! 2008 mascot is more adorable than know! when first time i see it, is really awful!
are london people want to show how much their empaty to zionist people?
think about palestine!!!

change the logo and mascot, now!!! (SARCASM)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

liburan gila liburan aneh

oke jadi ini sudah menjelang liburan berakhir, tapi tetep aja gilanya gak ada abisnya
hari seniin aku pulang dari bandung, dan membawa 3 ekor tambahan, yaitu si hanif rifa dan bara yang tetep pendiem dari awal

nyampe depok mereka langsung melesat ke kamar, ribut-ribut, gossip dan membuat gaduh (ngapain juga gak tau, pokoknya ribut aja)
sedangkan si rifa asyik-asyiknya menendang aku, katanya kalau mereka ribut dia ikut nendang
jadi kakak tuh sabar banget ya, ckck _ _;

esok paginya masih datar, untung si bara bawa laptop makanya laptop kesayanganku ini tidak terlalu diusik (cihuuuy!!)

oh iye, bara , hanif dan rifa adalah sepupu ane sedangkan si farras yang usil adik koe ._.

di hari rabu~~ komputerku juga dijarah, gara-gara ada GBA yang aku copy dari skaci, (harusnya aku hide ya, wk) dan karena pemilu, ane bisa jalan-jalan ke kedai miee dan toko bukuuu
(berterima kasihlah pada jokowi)

dan hari kamis ane ganti les global, mereka ditinggal pas asyik main laptop
, pulang-pulang sama aja, tapi rumah lebih gelap coz mereka keasyikan main game sampe lupa klo dah sore.

hari jum'at mereka ditinggal lebih pagi~karena saya rapat (parahnya pas rapat saya sempet ketiduran, dan gitu ide2 ane buat mos bnyk yg gk disetujuin lagi, hiks hiks) malemnya si yg punya laptop rise of nation pulang ke bogor, udah deh sisa dua anak cowok yang hobinya beserk gak jelas

hari sabtu paling sadis!
berhubung liburan dah mau selese, ane pun datang ke skul menyambut para anak baru, anak barunya kayaknya pada asoy, tapi tau juga sih
ada 1 anak semut-semut! (kayaknya dah gak kenal aku)
anehnya osis skrng gk seseru d=thn lalu, thn skrng dri awal masuk dah tau kelasnya, klo dulu bikin klp yg dipandu osis, dah gitu boleh nanya lagi soal barang-barang yang dibawa lagi
tasny bebas, paling susah paling cuma kue kasur ma oryza sativa, gak disuruh bikin rencengan snack, bawanya cuma 1 biji pohon lagi per klp!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pulang-pulang makin aneh, si hanif minta ditemenin ke indomaret, beserk tengah jalan, trus pulang-pulang abis nonton master chef, farras ma hanif berantem cuma gara-gara si hanif susah makan
aku keseeeeeeeeeeeelll!! aku bantu lerai, eeh malah tambah ricuh
si hanif lari ke kamar farras, sedangkan si farras ke kamarku,
gambarku dirobek-robek!!!! GILAAAAAAAA
fan art evangelion ku, satu halaman dari komikku, pola batik yang kucat...
pintu kamar retak, kertas-kertas di rumahku berserakan, sampe-sampe bude mau panggil satpam

apa deh, ribut banget gara-gara makanan doang, salah hanifnya juga kenapa gak mau makan? farras apalagi, marahnya melampiaskan ke barang-barangku, MY PRECIOUS AARTTTTT
art evangelion itu kan buat bulan november, malah dirusak sebelum waktunya, ngeselin kan?
bude jadi ngebelain farras mulu, biasa !!! kesel!!! aku yang innocence (asek) dilantarkan
nah, gara-gara itu aku curhat di my blog aja!! guoooooo

dan my mother pulang , langsung nenangin 2 anak itu, emang mereka mah kagak berani ngelawan yang lebih tua, kalau aku mah, dilindes ma truk juga bisa

mereka dihibuuur, sedangkan aku masih sibuk menyatukan gambar-gambarku yang disobek si beserker farrase

aku gak bisa lama-lama pundung, om agus dateng juga, bawa si bijak mutia dan maktuo
tapi tetep aja sobekan terakhir art EVAku gak nemu, huhu

maktuan juga datenggg bawa martabak yg mencairkan suasana, dan mainin biola ane yang sudah disegel selama 1 tahun (parbeud)

yah, si beserkker dah mendingan, klo si hanif aku masih bisa deketin, tapi adekku sendiri tuh, mukanya masih jutek, ah dia mah kagak mau punya kakak kece kayak ane =m=

gak bisa maafaaaan, hati ane dah terlanjur pecah *lebey melihat kertas gambar ayanami yang disobek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuh kalau begini trus gimana pas dah segede k muf? atau k lukman?

kalau makin parah?!?! ASDGHJKL

gak mau tauuuu tar aku kudu SMA di bandung, biar dia tahu rasanya gak enak jadi anak tunggal!!!!

ya allah, semoga tuh 2 anak gak seliar ,pas kecilnya pas dah baligh! DX

nyampe jam 3 neh! gambar ayanamiku ora nemu2 juga
takut kalau kesapu ma mbak neni... TmT


Thursday, July 12, 2012

after the loong holiday

i'm back loong holiday that make me tired =m=

euro, korra and many random things fullfill my super boring holiday
want know why i think this holiday is boring? check this out (cekidot!)

 i've start my holiday on june 20, and that is not easy
first, i've to take a report to school, then search an activity that i can join for fulfill holiday, why? because i'm too old for joining ketoprak! that is the camp for kids that aged 5-12!
and i'm 13, too old  :iconaloneplz::iconfanplz:

oh, and on 24 june, i went to bandung!

my cousin and my grandma want to visit my aunt that assigned to gorontalo for 6 month
i want to joooin!!! because i'd heard they were going to snorkling on bunaken
but... i mother didn't give a permission, so, i'll spend 1 week full of alone in bandung :stare:
and my brother join ketoprak!!! arrgghhh !! totally forever alone!! :iconforeveraloneplz:

ok, i join a training for being computer master, SKACI, that make a kids that whiz on IT :pc:
i learn about illustrator and flash, bweh, flash is harder, is need to use script that containing a haaaard sentences :icondizzyplz:
SKACI founded  on december 2010, the creator have 2 child that already winning inaicta,
ohohoho, interested? just click here  [link] 
gomen, is using indonesian language :trollface: 

oh, and of course i'm still watching euro! 
is really epic and wooow :popingeyes:
but too bad is only  contain  16 country, not like world cup that have 36 country :|

german and spain still be my choice! 
but italy defeat germaaaaaan , too baaad , i'm really put confidence in german 
oh i'm really not like balotelli, he's seems like mocking german by take off his clothes :rage:

and the final is italy VS spain, woow, unexpected :jawdrop:
fortunately my brother have arrive on home after ketoprak, so i'm not alone again!! 
and yeah, my skill already sharpened by take a course on SKACI, but not enough, i'm still haven't become the skillful person

as cyberslayer-00 told me, he recommend me to watch avatar korra, he said is really epic
yeah but the download link is broken, i can't watch it 

i bought the DVD season 1 of avatar korra, after my cousin arrived from manado
(i'm really jealous when they tell how fun to diving in bunaken :jealous)

they said it will be not much fun as avatar aang, but what's wrong with watching?? 

okay, so after bought DVD i realized this night is premiere of final euro
i got an  idea!
while waiting, we watch avatar korra and MI IV, after done, change to EURO! 

after watching korra... 

OMG korra is so epic! 
is haven't been 20 episode but already climax!
makkora make me remind of kataang, but i think, is more hm... more savage =P 
asami remind me of ayanami rei (only name)  but her appearance remind of .. lacus?? :noes:

because 2 episode korra is not enough, we watch MI IV too, with some snack~ sausage with scrambled egg :drool:

........... :iconwthplz:


change the channel to RCTI, oh the match already started

but my eyes... my eyes is really tired... i'm try to open my eye lid..
ah ... i think i need to turn off the tv.. :iconyawnplz:

hope there is a play back... .m.
wake up on 6 o' clock, but still tired, maybe because i'm sleep on 2 AM?
*turn on :tv:
oh yeaaah spain win!!! :headbang:
4-0!!! thank you for avenge german !!

torres  became hero :icondurrhurrplz: but on chealsea he looks like lame player
ahahaha, fabregas :love: you have a really badass there

but you know? after win euro 2012, many spain player came to my country!!
pep guardiola, cesc fabregas :heart: , jose mourinho , xabi alonso and many more

and of course is need money to meet them, and i don't have some ^^;

this holiday is epic and fun! 
but i saw calendar, my holiday...
uaaarght!! :chainsaw: :onfire: 
add more!! i'm not satisfied!

and now, my cousin is converge on my house, and make my house noisy
oh.. wait, why now i miss to be alone? :stare:


did i'm busted? oh yea, i'm paste it = =
from my deviantart page~~ =>
is hard to play laptop this week, because almost everyday my cousin and my brother PLAY GBA in this lappie

so in 1 AM, i'm wrote this journal :P

ohohoho, and i can't imagine how hard my mother to woke me up

and hey, i'm jealous to my cousin = =
i don't know but i'm just jealous =m=

tomorrow and saturday i'll prepare for welcoming the new 7th grade student :>
i'll be eeevil ~~