Friday, March 9, 2012

did you smell something?

today i almost came late to school, it because there's a kindergarten student that veryyyy slow to prepare to school.
and as usual I fell asleep on the way
the school is still crowded, but nobody greet me. maybe because i'm not famous like the others?
on the way to locker, somebody grab my hand a take me away
"lets pray dhuha!! the room is still empty!"
"but my baaag!! i have not put it on locker!!"
yeaah, my friend, athiyyah still get hurry, but why?? the room is still empty.

"aah!!! i'm not late!! there many empty space for pray!" yelled me
as usual, all students on my school pray before start studying, except on monday. because there is flag ceremony :D

but after pray i smell something that familiar, and looked up to my mukena
WTH?? these is an oily sign on my mukena!!
Athiyyah feels the same way too, she ask me
"are you smell something's yummy?"
"and it comes from your mukena?"
"can i have some rendang too?? *drooling*"

gulp. she tough i hiding a rendang under my mukena, but is not like that
maybe my tupperware, is not properly closed, soo the rendang sauce is quickly flow to  my bag
and of course all my book, bag and my locker is smell like rendang =_=;

i try to fold my mukena, and i wave it. uggh, all room is full of rendang odors
"did you smell rendang?"
"no, i'm flu"
"are you smell rendang?"
"yes, is very delicious!"

"hehee",, giggle me and my friend.
no one know we are the troublemaker of that 
by the way, did you know rendang?
is padang traditional foods :d
BTW here's a picture! if you know this food, i'm sure you ill start drooling !!

made by meat, coconut milk,and others spices, very yummy :D~

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