Tuesday, March 27, 2012


aku salah kira!
aku kira setelah aku menciptakan akun baru, aku akan bebas dari banned, tapi...

 ternyata aku masih bisa ke banned!
disana tertera tulisan: you have been banned from deviantart PERMANENTLY with a reason of alternate account of underage user youichiz2011

jadi artinya, akun sayah yang baru ini terdeteksi ADALAH akun alternatif dari akun sayah yang di banned

mungkin gar-gara saya dah keburu kecewa pas tau akun sayah di banned, jadi lupa baca apa yang harus dilakukan waktu di banned :

I was banned, is there anything I can do?

Account Bans and the Appeal Process

If your deviantART account is restricted by a ban or suspension for any reason your only course of action should be to contact the HelpDesk and complete a Ban Inquiry. This process will enable you to ask questions about the reasoning behind the action and to appeal the action by stateing a case for your unbanning.

You should not create, or use additional accounts during a ban or suspension as this is considered an attempt to avoid the punishment. The actions taken are targeted at the user of the account and not just the account itself and due to this fact any accounts associated with you as a user will also be suspended or banned. New accounts created during a ban or suspension may also have immediate action taken against them for the same reason.

Be advised that contacting the helpdesk does not mean that your account will be immediately reactivated, it merely means that your appeal will be heard and your case will be passed onto the appropriate administrative staff for review.

Note also that being abusive towards the helpdesk will not reflect well on your appeal and not all users will be granted another opportunity.
oh, ternyata gak boleh bikin akun alternatif toh
okelah saya terima hukuman banned ini

tapi sampai kapan saya harus di banned??? OAO
disana kan tertera permanently, dan aku juga gak tau sampai kapaan?
di deactivate gak bisa, submit art gak bisa juga
kayak orang mati suri lah, kita masih hidup tapi gak bisa bilang kalau kita masih hidup (jauh amat yak)

6 hari lagi sahabat saya di DA, kuroyobi, ultah!
aku pingin ngasih selamat dengan bikin gambar!!
udah gitu gambar art trade sayah dah selese!!
mau ngesubmit gak bisa~~~ ngasih tau temen via notes gak bisa

ah di banned gak enak banget deh
aku lain kali gak mau search locktie lagi =3=
dan shizaya

mama~~~ please return my account, i wan't submit more artt QAQ

lain kali kalau bikin akun baru gak kasih tau akunku ke banned ah

devart, please return my account!!! huhhuuuhuhuhu

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