Friday, April 20, 2012

difference, makes beautiful (?)

time to cook! :D
febby is peeling banana .3. b

today is scout, lucky we not make line up or using paddle for walking like a soldier *bleeh
so, the theme of the food is banana,
most of the group make a banana chocolate, a way to make it is little bit hard
banana, meises (a sprinkle chocolate)and grated cheese, wrapped with spring roll skin, then glue it with whisk white egg
then fried it with medium heat

my leader try to make something different,easy and cold
yeah, we make a BANANA SPLIT :D~ *drool
too bad she's not come to school, maybe because she's sick?
lets see the step:
1. first, we peeled the banana, and cut to a small piece, then arranged it in the bowl
2. put the ice cream (i'm using 1 cup ice cream, if you want to use big cup, is okay too) on top of banana
3. add meises on top of ice cream
4. if you like, put a slice of pear

AND DONE!! so simple right?
(when i see nutrisari sachet (orange drink powder) i thought it have to addd on ice cream - -;)

others group still cooking, but my group has done
we only need to make a drink (last touch)
i'm sure y'all know how to make drink from powder drink right?
just stir it until the powder soluble with water, and add ice cube :P~

and MADE, the culprit, accidentally dropped the drink, spill over the floor
because she's try to save our banana split that almost fell down
but she's spill the drink = _= fortunately only one, not all 

ah! i still have residual of ice cup! is 4!
and all flavor is strawberry : /
i'm try to selling it, 2 for me and 2 for sale
made bought it all! but she's owe money, she's says, that she'll pay next week (sure?)

after the dizziness, we surrounded other team, looking what food that they cook
looks yummy! but boring, almost all the groups making banana chocolate
but have variety beverages!

(sorry i can't put all picture here, my internet has become VERY-VERY SLOW maybe next week?)

naura eating bananaaa
tearing nutrisari sachet~

add ice cream to the banana


ooh! we must separate the food for jury!

the jury get them food...


time to eat!!!

almost done~

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